
Showing posts from March, 2017

Behind the Scenes

For anyone who knows me, photography is my wellbeing. It's what keeps me grounded, puts me back on track when I feel like I'm going crazy and teaches me a ton of patience. I'm slowly learning to laugh at little things and smile when it rains. Today I took Linden (my pup) out for our daily gander and up to one of our favourite spots. After Lou ran her sillies out she was ready to pose for me. At the base of the wall there are steps up so she run back and forth on the concrete until I stopped her. This one was a rare beauty. Of the 257 photos that I took today I chose around 6 to share on social media. My favourite being the compass with Linden's new tag. Linden is so patient with me! I took about 12 of these before I got the lighting right on the compass. She tried to sit at one point which got all sorts of weird noises from me. My compass is like my "flat stanley", it comes everywhere with me so if it every broke I would be 'Lost'. *I like to


Today was supposed to be my two month mark until I left for Europe, but due to recent  events including the terror attacks that took place in London, I will be postponing for a year or two. The funny thing is everyone said "Oh I knew the travel bug would hit you." But it really didn't.  I wanted the photos, that's all I really thought about was coming home and looking at the buildings and the canals and so on. Now that my trip is diverted I really could care less if I'm going or not. I'm really just not someone who needs to travel.      Other than that I will be throwing myself into my photography after my first year of school is completed. In April of last year I volunteered to take photos for a local organization that's main goal is to spread awareness for mental health and end the stigma behind it. Being an anxiety ridden person myself I felt a strong pull towards the cause even though the social anxiety around the thought of going could've kille

Three Months Free

For my Brother... Who I could never explain this feeling to, I hope this helps, and I hope you never feel this way.     Three months ago I struggled with migraines, chest pains and paranoia. I couldn't explain my feelings and everything hurt. I kept my anxiety/depression off of social media for years because it wasn't real to me. It was all in my head and people who had these things were weird and seeking attention.  Now that I am finally getting a handle on it I think it's time to share what it's actually about. (This leaves out bullying (School and religious groups), and work factors that contributed) When I was 11 I started to get chest pains, I had insomnia and random panic attacks about my family being killed or not coming back to my brother and I. Anxiety had worked it's way into my life in a very real way and was taking over my thoughts and my life. I stopped going to birthdays, social events and some days even school. For a few years after movin