I'm supposed to be a Mom
I'm supposed to be a Mom.
I struggle with anxiety and depression. You won't understand what that means until you've dealt with it first hand.
Sometimes it means not wanting to get out of bed, just wanting to sleep your days away.
Sometimes it means being dizzy or sick all day and not being able to carry out even simple tasks.
Sometimes it can drive people away, or bring you to the wrong ones.
I'm supposed to be a Mom.
I struggle with anxiety and depression.
I have scars both physical and emotional.
I have people who have called me many different things.
I was never weak.
I've always been the strong one.
I'm supposed to be a Mom.
But my children help me far more than I could ever do for them.
But I'm so scared about what will happen.
But I'm living for others.
But I'm sick all the time.
I'm supposed to be a Mom.
My children are my pets, my Linden, my Mae and my Mav.
My anxiety is a real thing.
My body needs help.
My brain is in too many places at once.
My medication isn't working.
I am a Mom.
Sometimes we struggle.
Sometimes we fall down.
Sometimes we break under pressure.
Sometimes we just need a bit of support.
Sometimes we don't know how to help others until we can help ourselves.

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