Stress related anxiety... Wait What?

Sometimes you can remedy things on your own, but others you need a little help. 
    For the last three years I've landed myself in a hospital bed for chest pains so bad I thought I was having a heart attack.        

       --Just Kidding, it was anxiety--
So I was put back onto the same meds I was on before, they tackled anxiety as well as the depression symptoms that I was showing. After nearly two months of being back on them I was still not sleeping, not eating properly and not able to answer simple questions without crying or getting angry.

So I tried a new doctor after I got a new job and was stressing out even more about the little things in life, and stuff that was actually supposed to be stressful (Like hating your new job).

Hiking has become so much more regular again, which is nice now that our valley isn't engulfed in wildfire smoke. Photos have taken over my life! I love the creative fall photos that I am getting now, more people have started hiring me and hopefully I'll be less of a stresscase soon.

   Hopefully I've found something(s) that actually work now! And MAYBE little things won't drive me so crazy... Or maybe not. Some things may never change.


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